Welcome to three new IQST fellows
It is our great pleasure to welcome Dr. Aparajita Singha (Max-Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart, Germany), Prof. Dr. Anke Krüger (Institute of Organic Chemistry, University of Stuttgart) and Dr. Tim Langen (5th Institute of Physics, University of Stuttgart) as new IQST fellows of the IQST.
The research of Aparajita Singha is dedicated to advanced imaging techniques, with a particular focus on magnetometry with nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centres in diamond. With her group she addresses intriguing questions in the field of nano-scale magnetism, quantum control, and nano-scale transport phenomena.
The research of Anke Krüger is focused on nanocarbon materials. Her group produces and characterizes new carbonaceous materials and works on their controlled surface modification for a wide range of applications.
The group of Tim Langen uses ultracold atoms and molecules for applications in quantum simulation and precision measurements. His interest includes in particular exotic new states of matter, such as supersolids, which display both superfluid and crystalline properties at the same time.
We look forward to continued fruitful interactions with our newest fellows and their groups.