New IQST Spark­ing programme and Postdoc programme

Spark­ing programme:

The IQST spark­ing programme brings excel­lent Master students in touch with quantum research in IQST and funds schol­ar­ships for MSc projects in one of the IQST groups.

The mission of the IQST spark­ing programme is also to support diversity, equal­ity, and inter­na­tion­al­isa­tion at IQST. We especially encour­age Master students from groups under­rep­res­en­ted in quantum science and techno­logy to apply.

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Postdoc programme

IQST is invit­ing applic­a­tions for its Postdoc­toral Fellow­ships. The success­ful candid­ate will have the oppor­tun­ity to work in an inter­dis­cip­lin­ary research envir­on­ment at IQST.

We encour­age applic­a­tions that are focused on collab­or­at­ive and cross-disciplinary research includ­ing collab­or­a­tion with several IQST groups. The programme is focused on attract­ing applic­ants from places other than the IQST Fellows institutions. 

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