Karls­ruhe Insti­tute of Techno­logy joins IQST as a new partner.

We are delighted to announce the Karls­ruher Insti­tut für Techno­lo­gie (KIT) as a new partner of the IQST. 

The mission of IQST is to further our under­stand­ing of nature and develop innov­at­ive techno­lo­gies based on quantum science by lever­aging syner­gies between the natural sciences, engin­eer­ing, and life sciences. “Many KIT scient­ists already success­fully support IQST with their expert­ise as Fellows. All the more I am pleased that the Karls­ruhe Insti­tute of Techno­logy is now joining our inter­dis­cip­lin­ary centre as an insti­tu­tion”, says IQST Director Prof. Stefanie Barz. “This will strengthen network­ing within the academic quantum community in Baden-Württemberg,” emphas­izes Barz, an expert in quantum inform­a­tion and quantum techno­logy from the Insti­tute for Functional Matter and Quantum Techno­lo­gies (FMQ) at the Univer­sity of Stuttgart.

IQST scient­ists collab­or­ate on innov­at­ive research in quantum science and explore applic­a­tions that will benefit society. “Although quantum techno­lo­gies still require signi­fic­ant basic research, the focus on applic­a­tions is becom­ing increas­ingly import­ant,” explains physi­cist Prof. Fedor Jelezko, IQST Director and Head of the Insti­tute of Quantum Optics at the Univer­sity of Ulm. “KIT joining IQST decis­ively strengthens this centre of excel­lence in quantum science in Baden-Württemberg,” Jelezko contin­ues. Among other things, quantum techno­lo­gies will make sensors for manufac­tur­ing and medical techno­logy more precise and efficient, ensure secure commu­nic­a­tion channels, and enhance high-performance comput­ing. Promising areas of applic­a­tion are already emerging, partic­u­larly in sensor techno­logy and communications.

“By joining the network, KIT scient­ists will become part of an estab­lished research network in quantum techno­lo­gies in Baden-Württemberg,” explains chemist Prof. Mario Ruben from the Insti­tute of Quantum Mater­i­als and Techno­lo­gies (IQMT) at KIT. KIT’s profile in the field of quantum techno­lo­gies, in partic­u­lar with its focus on molecu­lar and super­con­duct­ing quantum bits, fits in very well with the activ­it­ies developed by IQST over the last ten years.

For the past ten years, the IQST has been at the forefront of inter­dis­cip­lin­ary research in quantum science and techno­logy, with an ever-expanding focus on poten­tial applic­a­tions and their benefits for society. We are all the more delighted that KIT, a further supra-regional insti­tu­tion has now joined the IQST — marking an import­ant step towards a statewide network for the scientific quantum community in Baden-Württemberg.

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