IQST at the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

This week, the 73rd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings took place — with a focus on physics — bring­ing together 37 Nobel Laureates with almost 650 young scient­ists from all over the world. It was our distinct pleas­ure and privilege to actively contrib­ute to the programme of this unique event.

On the final day, parti­cipants were taken by boat to the closing ceremony on the pictur­esque island of Mainau, famous for its flowers and park landscape. The event was hosted by the state of Baden-Württemberg, and during the boat trip the passen­gers had the oppor­tun­ity to get to know the IQST. Shreya Kumar, a PhD student at the Univer­sity of Stutt­gart, gave a brief intro­duc­tion and, together with postdoc­toral researcher Vadim Vorobyov, welcomed guests to the IQST stand, where visit­ors could take a virtual tour of the lab and get a taste of what quantum research is like ‘from the inside’. Many people stopped by, includ­ing Nobel Laureate Klaus von Klitz­ing and numer­ous young scient­ists, with whom we had inspir­ing discussions. 

Many thanks again to all the visit­ors and to the organ­isers of this event for giving us the oppor­tun­ity to contribute. 

Photos: Shreya Kumar, Vadim Vorobyov

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