First the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting, then quantum research in Stuttgart

After attend­ing this year’s Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting, 18 young scient­ists took the oppor­tun­ity to visit IQST. The visit of the young scient­ists from Brazil, France, the UK, India, Canada, the Nether­lands, South Africa, the Czech Repub­lic and the USA was organ­ized by Baden-Württemberg Inter­na­tional (BW_i) as a follow-up program to the 2024 edition of the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings.

IQST Director Prof. Stefanie Barz welcomed the guests and gave an overview of quantum research at IQST. The members of the deleg­a­tion then had the oppor­tun­ity to exper­i­ence cutting-edge quantum research at the Univer­sity of Stutt­gart up close during three labor­at­ory tours — through the labs of Prof. Joerg Wrachtrup, Prof. Sebastian Loth and Prof. Barz — and to look over the shoulders of young research­ers from Stuttgart.

During the guided tours of the labor­at­or­ies, there were lively discus­sions and many inter­ested questions. The guests were also impressed by the pioneer­ing research infra­struc­ture in Stutt­gart, in partic­u­lar the ZAQuant Center for Applied Quantum Techno­logy, which opened in 2021 and offers excel­lently equipped labor­at­or­ies for research into quantum sensor mater­i­als and for preci­sion measure­ments on quantum sensors. 

After their visit to Stutt­gart, the group will move on to Ulm, with further stops planned during the week through­out Baden-Württemberg. 

Photos: Ludmilla Parsyak / Gabriel Parsyak