IQST Gradu­ate School @QuantumBW

The IQST-Graduate School @QuantumBW facil­it­ates a struc­tured doctoral program, includ­ing seminars and super­vi­sion and is open to early-career research­ers from all univer­sit­ies in Baden-Württemberg. Each doctoral project is led by a research insti­tu­tion and accom­pan­ied by at least one indus­trial partner. This model promotes the collab­or­a­tion between industry and univer­sity research. 

The gradu­ate school thus supports projects that bridge the gap between basic research and techno­logy devel­op­ment. It focuses on projects that have high techno­lo­gical poten­tial, but which are still at an early stage of development. 

The main research areas to be addressed within the IQST-Graduate School @QuantumBW are quantum sensor techno­logy and metro­logy, quantum comput­ing, quantum networks, and integ­rated quantum technologies. 

In addition, train­ing and additional quali­fic­a­tions are offered on topics includ­ing techno­logy trans­fer, entre­pren­eur­ship, and intel­lec­tual property (IP). These train­ing courses are also open to doctoral students from other quantum initi­at­ives across the state.