Industry & Start-Ups

Knowledge exchange and techno­logy trans­fer between academic and industry partners

IQST facil­it­ates exchange between univer­sit­ies and compan­ies via workshops and seminars and also joint projects or intern­ships. Some of our industry partners include:

  • Robert Bosch GmbH
  • Bruker BioSpin GmbH
  • Hahn Schick­ard
  • Carl Zeiss AG
  • Trumpf GmbH & Co.KG

IQST also supports the found­ing of start-up compan­ies and entre­pren­eur­ial educa­tion for early-career research­ers. Start-ups that were launched by members of the IQST community include: 

  • Printop­tix (Stutt­gart)
  • QC Design (Ulm)
  • Diatope (Ulm)
  • 21 Semicon­duct­ors (Stutt­gart)
  • NVision Imaging Techno­lo­gies (Ulm & Hebrew Univer­sity)
  • Swabian Instru­ments (Stutt­gart)
  • Stutt­gart Instru­ments (Stutt­gart)
  • SQUTEC (Stutt­gart)

The well-established collab­or­a­tion with leading indus­tries within IQST helps techno­logy trans­fer and offers entre­pren­eur­ial training.