Early-career network

The IQST early-career network consists of early-career research­ers working on various joint projects at Ulm Univer­sity, the Univer­sity of Stutt­gart, Karls­ruhe Insti­tute of Techno­logy, and the Max Planck Insti­tute for Solid State Research and other insti­tu­tions in Baden-Württemberg.

The early-career network offers an inter­dis­cip­lin­ary curriculum encom­passing physics, mathem­at­ics, engin­eer­ing, chemistry, and life sciences and focuses on knowledge exchange between differ­ent discip­lines and projects. Beyond educa­tion, IQST aims to build the found­a­tion for a long-lasting network of colleagues, teach­ing trans­fer­able skills and expos­ure to new career oppor­tun­it­ies in academia and industry.

Activ­it­ies of the IQST early-career network include:

  • Seminars by external guests from academia and industry
  • Exchange programme between Ulm and Stutt­gart and inter­na­tional partners
  • Parti­cip­a­tion in annual fairs
  • Summer schools
  • Soft-skill seminars and talks
  • Quantum entre­pren­eur­ship seminars

PhD Repres­ent­at­ives

The PhD Repres­ent­at­ives are a team of IQST-researchers who actively contrib­ute to foster­ing connec­tions between our students by organ­iz­ing various activ­it­ies, events and workshops.

M.Sc. Niklas Gaiser

  • UUlm

M.Sc. Manee­sha Ismail


M.Sc. Takuya Kitamura

  • UUlm

M.Sc. Shreya Kumar

  • UStut­tgart

M.Sc. Rouven Maier

  • UStut­tgart

M.Sc. Jose Manuel Monter­ro­sas Romero

  • UStut­tgart

M.Sc. Mirko Rossini

  • UUlm