
ERC Proof of Concept Grant for Tim Langen

ERC Proof of Concept Grant for Tim Langen

Congrat­u­la­tions to IQST Early Career Researcher Tim Langen from the Univer­sity of Stutt­gart, who has been awarded a presti­gi­ous Proof of Concept (PoC) grant by the European Research Council (ERC) for his research project MiniAtomQ.

For Langen, the PoC grant will enable the explor­a­tion of miniatur­ized devices for single-atom quantum techno­lo­gies. The scientific and techno­lo­gical basis for this work is laid in Langen’s ERC Start­ing project NEWMAT, in which he and his team work estab­lish a new exper­i­mental platform to study the proper­ties of supersolids.

Langen is one 90 grantees of the final ERC PoC funding round of 2022. Only holders of ERC main grants (Start­ing, Consol­id­ator, Advanced or Synergy) are eligible to compete for PoC grants, which provide a lump sum of 150.000 Euro to help research­ers to bridge the gap between the discov­er­ies stemming from their frontier research and the practical applic­a­tion of the findings.

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Distin­guished guests explore quantum highlights

Distin­guished guests explore quantum highlights

14 Febru­ary 2023 @ Stuttgart

Today, the Minis­ter Presid­ent of Baden-Württemberg, Winfried Kretschmann, and Minis­ter of Science Petra Olschow­ski visited the Univer­sity of Stutt­gart. During their two-hour tour, they were presen­ted various highlights in quantum research and aero-space engineering.

IQST research­ers guided through the parts concern­ing quantum science and techno­logy. Director Prof. Stefanie Barz, Fellows Prof. Jens Anders and Prof. Hans Peter Büchler, and Early Career Researcher Dr. Florian Meinert provided a broad overview of the activ­it­ies — from basic research to the develop­ment of new innov­at­ive techno­logy, such as quantum processors based on photonic chips and quantum sensors.

Prof. Wolfram Ressel, Rector of the Univer­sity of Stutt­gart praised the role of support from the state, mention­ing also IQST: “We conduct excel­lent socially relev­ant research […]. We are glad that the state of Baden-Württemberg supports this, for example through the Center for Integ­rated Quantum Science and Techno­logy IQST.“

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So much new on IQST Day 2023

So much new on IQST Day 2023

16 Febru­ary 2023 @ Ulm

Today, the IQST Day 2023 took place at Ulm Univer­sity. Follow­ing two years of confine­ment to mostly online meetings, the IQST community visibly enjoyed this in-person event with plenty of oppor­tun­ity for personal inter­ac­tion and exchange.

The format was not the only novelty. Since May 2022, we have a new execut­ive board, presided over by Stefanie Barz (Univer­sity of Stutt­gart) and Fedor Jelezko (Ulm Univer­sity). Build­ing on the outstand­ing found­a­tion laid since 2014, the IQST ventures now into its second decade. For that contin­ued journey it presents itself in a fully updated appear­ance, with a fresh new logo, a redesigned website, and new merchandise.

Unchanged, however remains the passion and dedic­a­tion to ‘everything quantum’. This was on full display in the various talks, cover­ing a tremend­ous spectrum, as well as during the vibrant poster session and at the network­ing with beer and bretzel.

Photos: Ulm Univer­sity / Elvira Eberhardt

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