
CZS–Meet the Scientists

CZS–Meet the Scientists

Quantum Sensing and Beyond

Last week, we had the pleas­ure of welcom­ing in Ulm visit­ors from one of our funders, the Carl Zeiss Found­a­tion (Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung, CZS), and its found­a­tion compan­ies, the ZEISS Group and SCHOTT.

Follow­ing a welcome address by CZS Managing Director Felix Streiter and intro­duc­tions to IQST and the CZS Center QPhoton ( by Fedor Jelezko and Joachim Anker­hold (both Ulm Univer­sity), science took centre stage. In partic­u­lar, IQST early-career researcher Aparajita Singha (Max-Planck Insti­tute for Solid State Research, Stutt­gart, Germany) gave an overview of her research, and doctoral research­ers from the Univer­sity of Stutt­gart and Ulm Univer­sity presen­ted their PhD projects.

A poster session as well as discus­sion and feedback rounds provided plenty of oppor­tun­ity for in-depth discus­sions and network­ing, which the 30 parti­cipants clearly enjoyed. The programme was rounded off with a visit to where some of this research is happen­ing — in a tour through labs of the Centre of Quantum BioScience (ZQB).

Many thanks once more to our visit­ors and all who contrib­uted to this day of fruit­ful exchange. 

Photos: Armin Buhl, Ulm

New IQST Website launched

New IQST Website launched

Our new IQST website was launched at the 1 of Febru­ary 2023. 

Dive into the world of quantum science and techno­logy: explore our latest research, upcom­ing events, and vibrant IQST community!