
IQST in a nutshell

The Center for Integ­rated Quantum Science and Techno­logy (IQST) was estab­lished in 2014 as one of the first hubs world­wide dedic­ated to the devel­op­ment of innov­at­ive techno­lo­gies from funda­mental quantum physics. The key to achiev­ing this goal is to stimu­late, expand, and support syner­gies between the fields of natural and engin­eer­ing sciences.

As IQST enters its second decade, quantum techno­lo­gies are rapidly becom­ing avail­able for applic­a­tions in ever new areas. For us, this means further expand­ing our mission to explore new and uncharted fronti­ers, address societal challenges, to meet the needs of an emerging quantum-technology ecosys­tem, and to promote quantum science and techno­logy in a society that is becom­ing increas­ingly aware of the poten­tial of quantum technologies.

A network of opportunities

We bring together a team of physi­cists, chemists, engin­eers, mathem­aticians, and life scient­ists working in dedic­ated state-of-the-art facil­it­ies at the Univer­sity of Stutt­gart, Ulm Univer­sity, Karls­ruhe Insti­tute of Techno­logy, and the Max Planck Insti­tute for Solid State Research in Stutt­gart as well as at other univer­sit­ies in the state of Baden-Württemberg. 

IQST is a member of the Quantum Alliance, a consor­tium of German Clusters of Excel­lence and research centres, working in quantum science and technology.

IQST collab­or­ates also with inter­na­tional partners: Univer­sity of British Columbia, Univer­sity of Tokyo and Hebrew Univer­sity Jerusalem.

The IQST network covers expert­ise on:

You have questions or would like to find out more about IQST?

Contact us at: hello@iqst.org