Welcome to our newest fellows.

14 October 2024

The IQST family contin­ues to grow. In recent months, eight new IQST Fellows and two Associ­ate Fellows have joined the network, from insti­tu­tions across Baden-Württemberg and in fields ranging from tests of macro­scopic quantum physics to ensur­ing the reliab­il­ity of quantum comput­ing — reflect­ing our mission to promote all aspects of the ever-expanding field of quantum science and technology.

Our cordial welcome to the new IQST Fellows: 

• Prof. Dr. Chris­tian Groß (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübin­gen) – Quantum simula­tion with ultracold atoms

• Prof. Dr. Andreas Köhn (Universität Stutt­gart) – Theor­et­ical chemistry, molecules with non-trivial electronic structure

• Prof. Dr. Igor Lesan­ovsky (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübin­gen) – Theor­et­ical atomic physics and synthetic quantum systems

• Prof. Dr. Bettina Lotsch (Max-Planck Insti­tute for Solid State Research, Stutt­gart, Germany) – Rational mater­i­als synthesis at the inter­face between solid-state chemistry, mater­i­als chemistry and nanochemistry

• Prof. Dr. Benjamin Stick­ler (Universität Ulm) – Theor­et­ical physics, testing and exploit­ing macro­scopic quantum physics

• Dr. Lorenzo Tesi (Universität Stutt­gart) – Terahertz magnetic reson­ance of molecu­lar spin qubits on surfaces

• Prof. Dr. Max von Delius (Universität Ulm) – Supra­molecu­lar chemistry, complex dynamic networks, functional organic materials

• PD Dr. Sabine Wölk (Universität Ulm) – Quantum techno­lo­gies, quantum inform­a­tion, quantum communication 

Prof. Dr. Chris­tian Groß
Prof. Dr. Andreas Köhn
Prof. Dr. Igor Lesanovsky
Prof. Dr. Bettina Lotsch
Prof. Dr. Benjamin Stickler
Dr. Lorenzo Tesi
Prof. Dr. Max von Delius
PD Dr. Sabine Wölk

and the new Associ­ated IQST Fellows: 

• Prof. Dr. Michael Pradel (Universität Stutt­gart) – Automated testing of quantum-computing platforms 

• Dr. Vadim Vorobyov (Universität Stutt­gart) – Quantum sensing, quantum networks, NV-NMR/ESR, numer­ical physical simulations 

Prof. Dr. Michael Pradel
Dr. Vadim Vorobyov

We look forward to contin­ued fruit­ful inter­ac­tions with our newest fellows and their groups.