We quantum.

At IQST, we advance the under­stand­ing of nature and develop innov­at­ive techno­lo­gies from funda­mental quantum physics. We do this by stimu­lat­ing, expand­ing and support­ing syner­gies between physi­cists, chemists, engin­eers, and life scient­ists. The network includes the core insti­tu­tions — Univer­sity of Stutt­gart, Ulm Univer­sity, Karls­ruhe Insti­tute of Techno­logy, and the Max Planck Insti­tute for Solid State Research in Stutt­gart — and expands to other insti­tu­tions in Baden-Württemberg.

We quantum.

At IQST, an award-winning team of scient­ists pursues inter­dis­cip­lin­ary cutting-edge research, from funda­mental principles to techno­lo­gical applic­a­tions. Explore our research:
We offer a broad range of educa­tion programs and activ­it­ies for top young research­ers and students. Join us.
We provide expert advice to stake­hold­ers in academia, polit­ics and educa­tion, and reach out directly to the wider public. Dive with us into the quantum world. 
ERC projects
70 +
525 +
IQST estab­lished

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